Sunday, July 24, 2011

Step One

5 Things that are true about me right now:

- I don't love what I do. I tolerate it at the most. I'm also the most impulsive person I've met when it comes to making life's decisions, so I'd rather that they're made for me ( yes, die feminism, die).

- I crave for things beyond my reach, like happiness and love together. It isn't really possible. Because I don't let myself be happy. If I ever so much as sniff it, I put it out completely before it takes over my life.

- I'm a good friend. At least I think I'm one. I'm also a good kisser, which has nothing to do with me being freindly. Totally separate things.

- I like random conversations, but not pretentious ones. I'm not intimidated by intelligence, I'm put off by an  overt display of it. I can't "play" dumb. Either I know or I don't. Though I must shamefully admit to having acted above my intelligence.

- I have, of late, developed a freakishly high-pitched laugh that catches me unawares. Have no idea how that happened. I hate being loud.

Okay one more...

- The blogger me is a better person.