Saturday, January 27, 2007


The idea of a silk route,
through the tunnels of an infamous memory.
The mirthless dust paves your road;
to discovery.

You tread through its complex patterns, often
in circular mazes,
wondering whether the futility of your two-bit existence,
may at least find mention,
in an incoherent obituary.

Your written word is dead.
And you voice too loud to be heard.
Appalling apathy;
Did those yellowed leaves of your newspapers teach you not to feel?

Is your life a reflection,
Or is it a mockery.
Mockery of all those pearls you were to find,
on that Silk Route.

The clamour of a faceless minnion comes to haunt you ,
A mutlitude embroidered with narrow graves of ideals.
And you had wanted,
to block those holes in the wall,
with your numb fingers.

Could this have turned out differently;this emaciated emotion,
Can those yellowed pages turn into black and white,
Can all that clear sky turn muddy again,


Kaustav said...
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Kaustav said...

Iron Maiden will perform in Bangalore on March 17.

vinay said...

it is refelction...we are mirrors and we reflect!!!