Sunday, June 24, 2012

Of Keen Mind And Angry Heart

Only two words: No Judgement
The expletives aren't necessary. They never are but we like them to make a point. Hence.

What the fuck is a job anyway. Does this make me sound angry? I'm glad it does.

They tell me it's about mopping up the pieces others leave behind. They tell me its about doing the bare minimum. They tell me its about creating a vision for yourself and the company. They tell me its about thinking beyond means. They tell me its about living within my means. They tell me its about getting some means, some meaning, some shape to an endless fucking disappointment of a life.

What the fuck is a job anyway?

Who is a good worker? Is it someone who lets their boss tread all over them and stab them with their knives recently sharpened? Or is it someone who stands up to the daily roughshod attitude and creates a personality at work? Or is about being insignificant enough so there's never any room for trouble? They tell me it's about making your money, being friendly without being friends, about snatching someone's ground from below their feet while you're handing them coffee so that it's a double burn.

Who the fuck is doing their job anyway?

In country that's sinking faster than quicksand sinks itself, who IS doing their job? If they were doing their jobs would we be here? Would we need the media to point out what's wrong? Would media be a slave to money and would money make people's heads turn? Would we be running an endless race of whose going to lose the quickest? Would people watch that race? Do people watch that race?

They tell me its about winning. About being cunning and gentle at the same time. They tell me its about developing a thick skin, a cold heart without being jaded. They tell me I'm getting on their nerves because I ask to many questions, because I'm reluctant, because I'm lazy. Have I been invisible all this while? Or worse yet, have I been an impostor? Because I don't remember ever being lazy or reluctant or an impostor.

Where the fuck did I go wrong?
I refuse to feel sorry for myself. I refuse but it doesn't help. I'm trying in vain. Maybe its my first lesson in failing.

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