Tuesday, August 08, 2006

my tryst with technology....

the title is self explanatory....
i was never your average whiz-kid.....i never aspired to be one.....the craze that single handedly consumed the entire nation- of compters,then moblies and finally the once-elusive i-pod....my inclination towards anything technological or scientific has always been little, at best.But i cave in to populist notions.i have to keep up.....or else be left behind in the delgue to cope with my handicap.....
The want of companionship...the feeling of being understood or accepted.....is overpowering....the mechanism of society runs awry if peple in it don't comply with elistist norms of acceptance....we all in a way seek approval.Approval of our conformist methods...or aproval of our rebellious attitude...
rebellion in itself is a desire to be accepted.
Accepted as the anti-thesis of common ideology.....
Ideology- the most underrated word.......empires lost and kingdoms found...
by application of an ideology.
Im in search of one....but till such time...ill pose to be your set next door neighbour..mildly intelligent..and immensely emotional.....but beware... i only act a part....
I love the use of un common phrases and un-strung pieces of work....the theme of connectivity is passe'
I have come in to this world a little late...bear with me...for i feel quite lost in the world of the technologically superior.

1 comment:

wake said...

hey didnt know you wrote so well good going ..i share in your techno uncomfort .